Watergate Scandal


The Watergate scandal was a political scandal in 1972. Watergate and its origins began in the politics of the 60s. In June of 1972, there was a break-in at the Democrat National Committee’s Watergate headquarters building in Washington D.C.. The Prowlers were caught trying to wiretap phones, which failed,  and took many secret documents, and “may” have been linked to President Nixon’s reelection campaign. Suspicions of the presidents connection to the scandal were raised when the White House phone number was in the burglars belongings.  President Nixon took measures to cover up the scandal afterwards by raising money to quiet the burglars, stopping the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from investigating, and destroying the evidence and firing the staff members who were uncooperative. Soon after the break in he and his aides planned to have the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to stop the FBI. Nixon also gave a speech where he swore that the white house staff wasn’t associated with the break-in. Eventually, many of Nixon’s aides testified about the presidents crimes and how Nixon taped every conversation in the Oval Office. Many  Justice department Officials resigned in protest soon after one of them had been fired. Later in 1974, Nixon released the tapes showing his connections with the scandal and resigned soon to be pardoned for the crimes he “committed or may have committed” while president by President Ford(the new president).  The Watergate scandal is one of the many reasons Americans question our leadership.