Political Cartoons

Collateral Damage

The political cartoon listed above shows the true atrocity of the war out troops fought in Vietnam. US  Troops had no concrete enemy to fight that they could identify as troops in uniform. They had to bring democracy into towns and villages of women and children who didn’t want it. They’d leave a town thinking they’ve made progress and then be shot at by a anonymous Vietcong soldier who could have been anyone. They had to assume that any one of the people in the villages was the enemy. They had to kill many women and children to protect themselves from getting killed as many of their comrades were. These people were collateral damage and our troops followed their orders and did what they had to do to survive.

This political Cartoon shows a General painting over the “Truth about Vietnam”. This is really significant because at the start of the war, many people were being lied to about what was actually happening in the war. Then later those truths could not be hidden due to the media and were exposed showing the true horrors. This shows how the people at home began to lose trust in the government and how the government would deal with the Vietnamese(the bucket). Such as what happened at My Lai where many unarmed families were brutally killed by an american Platoon, the media caught that and showed the people at home the truth starting many of the War Protests and hippie movements.

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This cartoon is representing how in the Vietnam war, people at home were being lied to and they finally find out the truth and realized how dirty the war is. The well dressed folk claims, “Name a clean one” for every war is gruesome, horrific, and dirty. It seems to be that the protesters in this cartoon are hippies who were extremely anti war and wanted nothing but to pull our troops out of Vietnam. Although this cartoon is anti war, it is also portraying the unrealistic views people had during the war. Yes, war is awful and inhumane but what was happening in Vietnam had to be done because it was better than communism spreading.