Civil rights Poems


“Separate but equal” shut down by the Court.

All throughout the nation was spreading discrimination.

1955 Emmett Till has disappeared

Beaten, Killed, and Dumped in a river

The two white men were arrested for murder,

yet acquitted by an all white jury, soon after.

6 years after in the spring of may fourth

Freedom riders off all kinds, Black and white Supporters

Rode through their cities attacked by mobs of whites

called traitors, confused, and the minorities.

Meanwhile in 64′ James Merideth is sent to school

5 thousand federal troops sent to contain the rioters and violence.


I am Malcolm X

I wonder if my people will continue to follow me till the end

I hear the concerns and cries of African-Americans

I see the movement a rising

I am Malcolm X

I pretend that the whites have sympathy for us

I feel so strongly about where I stand and what I’m fighting for

I touch many hearts with the same aggression as mine

I worry that my people will give up and not follow through

I cry for the blood shed and for the lives that have been lost

I am Malcolm X

I understand the frustration of my people

I say ballots or bullets

I dream of a future with equal rights

I try to open the paradigms of the superior whites

I hope for a better, brighter, more brilliant future for African-Americans

I am Malcolm X


I am Martin Luther King Jr.

I wonder when white people will come to their senses

I hear the songs the children of my movement sing

I see the corruption behind prison bars

I am Martin Luther King Jr.

I pretend that the whites abusive words don’t hurt me

I feel the highly pressurized water hose stinging my back in protests

I touch the hearts of some whites

I worry that my movement will die out

I cry for my wounds caused by white racists have no time to heal

I am Martin Luther King Jr.

I understand that I will need patience and self-control throughout this movement

I say that it will all be worth it in the end

I dream “that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

I try to teach brotherhood, equality, and self-respect to all

I hope that all inequality and racism will end

I am Martin Luther King Jr.


With all of our men sent off to the war,

The Vietcong have rose even more.

Playing with our soldiers, they must be so scared

That even while their at war, Nixon has resigned

Is it because he gave up? They probably think

But us at home only hope its because of his crimes.

With our men still out there, we want them home

So we protest against the wars,by leaving society behind

Letting the generation of good music

Express what jumbled thoughts are on our mind.

Even though many of us do not truly know each other

Through music and drugs we come together.

Proving that war is out of question when you bring out the good vibes

Ignoring the bad and bring peace to the people, every time.

Woodstock had come into the scene

1969 and music, love and peace.


Along with the civil rights movement

Came groups of all kinds

We expressed our hearts for this movement

By sharing our minds

Many of us who had hidden in this “closet”

Came out to support others in their fight for rights.

It was nice having these hippies, many who were like us

Supporting and expressing our colorful and

gay hearts.

This has been going on for years

Yet the elder people cant seem to wrap their minds

around the fact that love comes

In all shapes, sizes and sounds.