1960s-1970s Lessons

The 1960 was a time of revolution that changed our country forever. As a country, and as a people, we made progress in nearly every major issue we dealing with. we excelled in bringing blacks more civil rights, feminists more civil rights, bringing our soldiers and loved ones home from Vietnam, and demonstrating the power we have as a people. Our demonstrations and peaceful protests let us fight for what we want and brought change where change was needed. In this time, for what seems to me like the first time in our country, the people’s voice played such an important role in what the government decided to do on these issues. Future presidents and leaders to come, have many lessons to learn from his time period.

The first major lesson our country’s leaders must learn, is to stop unjust practices that go against civil liberties. We’re  one of the last countries to get rid of slavery, this is very upsetting. Black-and-white racial tensions, are in my opinion, at an all-time high. Females in our country are not equal to “the man.” Homosexual  people are still discriminated against nowdays. Muslims are facing discrimination for their beliefs. So many people are facing inequality. This is not the bases are country was built on an Indian leaders who rise to power need to recognize how unjust and corrupt this is. This is America, a large majority of our leaders need to start acting like it is.

Another major lesson the people who run our country must learn, is to stop putting young boys in wars we don’t know why we’re in. The war in Vietnam was a complete and utter nightmare. We send boys, straight out of high school, to go fight a war, in a country that didn’t want us there. We were fighting to brew French hominis him in South Vietnam, a country that was starving and needed it in their eyes. If you can imagine this wasn’t the set up for a perfect situation. This war was a nightmare. In the future my one request involving war is that we don’t fight another one like this. If we have to go to war and have a reason that justifies it completely, let’s go. But, like Mrs. Mairs said, your kid better sit on the bus next to mine.

Finally, the last major lesson our presidents, and governors, mayors, and even police officers must learn, is the power we have as a people. And some practice in our country is injust we don’t want to do use it anymore, to we fight for what should be done. When there’s a war in a country where our family members are there fighting for no reason,we fight against it. When certain peoples don’t have the rights they should’ve been born with in this country, we fight for what is right. The greatest thing about our country is our ability to fight for what we want. In the 60s we displayed the power of a peaceful protest. The people brought major change to our country just by vocalizing unions in a large group. No one, not even the president, could stop them. Protesters of today, largely taking in what we learned in the 60s, no it is their fight a strong enough, we can’t lose.

To all you presidents and leaders in our country: the people of today and generations to come, will fight for what we deem right and just. Our country was built on the people not just one man in power. This is a country we have many people different believes and in this country, they can vocalize them. Isn’t that amazing? That is the thing that makes us America. We have the freedom to be yourself believe whatever we want and be accepted. Every leader needs to know this and know that they’re taking on the role of the president and not dictator of a totalitarian regime.